Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Painting Fences

For too long the fence has retained it's old surface self - worn, torn and turning more gray with each passing day, which sounds so much like me. May 1-2 changed the way we'll perceive our fence for years to come.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pechalheads Unite...

With the 14th Annual Pechal having just ended, what is to look forward to now? At the time of this post, I, Ed Balldinger, am swearing to recover on this "recooperation" day. I haven't unrecovered yet.
And here's to the new green jacket master of the 14th Annual John Pechal Memorial Golf Tournament, StatMaster Rob.

Old John Pechal, he was a really, really, really good guy...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Soggy Blogging

In hopes that my interior will soon be established to support the external shell, I continue to hone my acute skills by blogging on the outset that my inset can consistantly be maintained on an ongoing basis. Evidently, it is safe to say whatever may be said here, for few eyes are bound to find, see, read and/or comprehend the babblings by Balldinger's hand. This has got to be some kind of soggy blog.

I would like to point out to those who may have stumbled into this odd space that I am not armed. In fact, I'm not even legged at this point, but I am beheading back to the Shot Gun Parlor where there are no bullets and there are no guns. But before I go, please visit my good friend, StatMaster Rob's blog, and read about his soul quest up and down the left coast. See how green he's becoming, and don't tell him to go fly a kite - he already has.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where the blogger bogs down...

Not being a natural born blogger, I am accepting this challenge to unhinge and impinge upon my own electronic fear in the twilight of this desperate forward motion. Yet still, uncertain of my blogging capabilities, I give pause to this procession of damnable duration and choose to finish before I fall behind.